Member-only story
My Digiverse
About the tools that build my Digiverse.
In April this year, I bought a Chromebook after three years using my
Ipad ( 2013) and my Motorola G6+ to most of my online activities. I have a dead Mac air (2012) and a 10-year-old Acer laptop too, but it’s almost impossible to use. I saved money for half a year ( I’m on sick-leave and live from social welfare) to buy a used Chromebook (Acer CB311–8H), but I was lucky and the one I got was almost unused and to less the half prize.
Rebuilding my Digiverse
It has been a bit of a journey to evaluate and ReBuild my Digiverse after many years of illness (I’m still not well but manage better now.) Not being very active due to my sickness in the past 5 years when I had little or no energy to do anything creative, the Chromebook released me. And that it coincided with the Corona outbreak was a bit of a blessing in disguise. (In fact, my Chromebook has had almost the same impact as my Nokia N95 had back in 2008. I will write another article about that later on.) I started my online Journal Journalings Of Sporring, using Evernote and And a couple of weeks ago I also started a newsletter accompanying the online journal (of sorts) using Revue. (There’s another article that I wrote about Journaling online here Journaling online, my experiences so far)