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My Published Articles in November
My birth month was filled with exciting stuff.
November is one of the darkest months in a year, but it’s also my birth month, so it weighs it up a bit. I’m extra happy that I had my sixtieth birthday last year (2019) and not this year, with the pandemic making it impossible to celebrate with others.
My articles
I started November with Teachings From HH Dalai Lama because his book ‘Happiness’ means so much to me. There’s so much wisdom to take from the Buddist teachings.
Continuing with That Dreaded White Page, it’s about writer's block that most writers end up with at some point in their career. And some ideas on how to cure it.
I Am an article about how I'm still developing, and that I’m not stopping because I will never be done.
Yes, They won! Which is about the Biden-Harris victory in the 2020 election and what impact I think it will have. It is also my first article in my own publication and the first chronicle. I plan to publish two chronicles per month in this my own publication.
Then I wrote about Remote Work, And How It’s Disrupting Work As We See It as I believe we haven’t seen 5the end of the pandemic, but I also hope the end of this plague will come sooner than later.